Harput Restaurant
Opening hours (for pickup)
Su: 07:00 until 01:00
Suppe / Corba
Salat / Salata
Frühstück / Kahvalti
Beilagen / Garnitur
Kebapgerichte -
Grillgerichte -
Rollo im Teigfladen
Teiggerichte - Hamur
Pizza gebacken
Süßspeisen / Tatlilar
Warme Getränke /
Kalte Getränke /
Kalte Getränke / Soguk Icecekler
Coca Cola 0,33l
Product information
3,00 €
Coca Cola Light 0,33l
Product information
3,00 €
Fanta 0,33l
Product information
3,00 €
Sprite 0,33l
Product information
3,00 €
Uludag 0,33l
Product information
3,00 €
Mineralwasser 0,33l
Product information
3,00 €
Wasser still 0,5l
Product information
2,00 €
Apfelsaftschorle 0,33l
Product information
3,00 €
Ayran (Joguhrtgetränk) 0,33l
Product information
3,00 €
Apfelsaft 0,25l
Product information
3,00 €
Orangensaft 0,25l
Product information
3,00 €
Salgam Suyu 0,2l
Product information
3,00 €
Wasser still 1,5l
Product information
6,00 €
Kanne Ayran (sürahi)
Product information
10,00 €
Detailed list of all allergens and additives